With an unrivaled reputation for quality, a commitment to absolute prestige, and a legacy spanning 125 years of excellence, Federico Salza stands as Italy and abroad’s premier luxury caterer. Salza Catering offers its extraordinary culinary expertise and highly customized event planning and organization services for all special occasions, including weddings, corporate functions, lunches, private meals, and cocktail receptions. Based in Tuscany, Federico Salza caters to all regions of Italy, with a focus on venues in Venice, Rome, Milan, Florence, and beyond.
It All Started as a Pastry Shop
1898Establishing and maintaining an unmistakable style and the absolute best of Italian quality, Federico Salza has earned an unquestionable prestige ever since 1898, when grandfather Federico founded the company in Turin as an esteemed pastry and artisan chocolate shop.
The Royal Supplier of the Savoy's
1931It was here where the Salza family’s masterful attention to detail, its succulent dishes and immaculate services drew the attention of the Royal Savoys during their lengthy stays in San Rossore. So much so, in fact, that in 1931 the company became the official caterer to the Royal Household Real Casa.
Leaders in Luxury Catering
1950 - Present DayUnder the expertise of the son of Silvio Salza, Federico Salza, the family business grew to eventually become the unrivaled leader and namesake in Italy’s luxury catering sector. With a fervent and undiminished passion to provide the finest catering, Federico, and daughters Virginia and Federica alongside a highly qualified team of staff, continue to maintain excellence in every event planned and provide impeccable dishes that are nothing short of spectacular.

Federico Salza

Federica Salza